This is a new service — your feedback will help us improve it.

Share Your News With RHO’s Audiences

Do you have an event, call-out, resource, campaign or other piece of information you’d like to share with RHO’s audiences? We are eager to use our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn feeds to promote Ontario LGBT2SQ health news. We also accept submissions for our quarterly newsletter.

If you have a resource to submit to our Resource Library, please use our dedicated resource submission form. Similarly, for LGBT2SQ health research listings, please submit through the research listings form. For all other requests, please use our social media and newsletter content submission form below.

Note that we will share submissions to the best of our ability, capacity and according to our discretion regarding what is a fit for our channels. Posts may be edited for consistency with RHO’s voice and tone.

Social Media and Newsletter Content Submission Form


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